God's Love and God's Judgement

Born Again Christian, Salvation by Grace

What is a born again Christian, believer of Jesus Christ, follower of Christ or a witness for Christ? If these are strange terms to you, what do they represent? If you heard someone say 'I have been born again' what are they trying to say.

A person that has been truly born again by the blood of Jesus Christ, is someone who at some specific point in their life has realized that they are a sinner or that they have sinned against God and also came to the point that they called on Jesus Christ for salvation.

There are many people who may say that they believe in God, Heaven and Hell; but that is the extent of what they believe. Many believe (falsely) that they are going to Heaven just because they believe that these exist; but will be sadly mistakenthat this alone will grant you eternity in Heaven. The Bible is clear that you have to recognize that you are a sinner and that there is nothing you can do to earn your way into Heaven.

Jesus Christ came to this earth, completely without sin; he went to the cross and died for your sin. He took the sin of you and every person whoever lived upon Himself. If you truly believe that Jesus died for your sin and ask Jesus to forgive you, he will come into your heart and save you from your sin. At that point you are 'born again', or are now a believer of Jesus in the true sense; it is as if your life started completely over at the point and all the sin you committed before that is completely washed away.

You are a new creaton as the Bible says. Because you love Him so much for what He has done for you you will want to tell others, which makes you a witness of the truth to others. This is what is called being a witness for Him and a follower of Christ.

If you have not come to Jesus yet for salvation, I urge you to do it today, don't wait, this is to inportant to put off.


Receiving Christ involves a change of heart, a turning from your old path to a new path that God has for you.

Accepting Jesus means to:
1. SINNER - Confess you are a sinner and to admit your need to be saved.
2. REPENT - Be willing and have a heartfelt need to turn away from your sins.
3. TRUST JESUS - Believe that Jesus Christ died for 'you' on the Cross and rose from the grave to offer you eternal life.
4. RECEIVE HIM AS LORD AND SAVIOR - Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come into your life, and to control your life, through the Holy Spirit.

If this prayer below expresses the desire of your heart, why not pray right now?

The exact wording of this prayer below, is not important; as long as you truly have a desire from your heart that you want to give yourself to Him. You can pray something like this.

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and need your forgiveness. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the grave to give me life. I want to turn from my sins. I know You are the only way to God so now I want to turn from disobeying You and start living for You. Please forgive me and change my life. I now invite you to come into my heart and life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

If you prayed something like this you are now a child of God. God offers His assurance to us through His promises in the Bible: